Dott.ssa Paola Lovrovich (Etologa)
Un pò di testi interessanti sul cavallo e l’etologia
Alcoock J., 2001. Etologia, un approccio evolutivo. Zanichelli 2001
Anderson J.R., Sallaberry P., Barbier H., 1995. Use of experimentergiven cues during object-choice tasks by capuchin monkeys. Anim Behav 49:201–208
Baragli P., 2009. I cavalli di federico. Ed. Plus
Call J., Brauer J., Kaminski J., Tomasello M., 2003. Domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) are sensitive to the attentional state of humans. J Comp Psychol 117:257–263. doi:10.1037/0735-7036.117.3.257
Bagliacca M., Baroli D., Bianchi M., Canali E., Cannas S., Casamassima D.V.; Cavani C., Cozzi G., De Rosa G., Diverio S., Ferrante V., Fossati P., Gottardo F., Grasso F., Lolli S., Luzi F., Marino P.A., Martuzzi F., Mattiello S., Michelazzi M., Minero M., Costa L.N., Napolitano F., Natoli E., Palestrini C., Panzera M., Picco C., Saroglia M., Scipioni R., Sevi A., Terova G., Trocino A., Xiccato G., 2009. Etologia applicata e benessere animale. Carenzi C., Panzera M (eds.)., Vol.2-Parte speciale Ed PVI pag 64
Christensen J.W., Keeling L.J., Nielsen B.L., 2005. Responses of horses to novel visual, olfactory and auditory stimuli. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 93, 53-65.
Devemport J.A., Patterson M.R., 2005. Dynamic Averaging and Foraging Decisions in Horses (Equus callabus). Journal of Comparative Psycholgy 2005, Vol. 119, No. 3 , 352-358.
Fraser A.F., 1992. The behaviour of the horse. London: CAB International.
Gácsi M., Györi B., Miklósi Á., Virányi Z., Kubinyi E., Topál J., Csányi V., 2005. Species-speciWc diVerences and similarities in the behavior of hand-raised dog and wolf pups in social situations with humans. Dev Psychobiol 47:111–122. doi:10.1002/dev. 20082
Gácsi M., Miklósi Á., Varga O., Topál J., Csányi V. 2004. Are readers of our face readers of our minds? Dogs (Canis familiaris) show situation- dependent recognition of human’s attention. Anim Cogn 7:144–153. doi:10.1007/s10071-003-0205-8
Goodwin D., 1999. The importance of ethology in understanding the behaviour of the horse. The role of the horse in Europe. Equine Veterinary Jouranl Suppl. 28:15-19.
Gòrecka A., Bakuniak M., Jezierski T. 2006 Behaviour of horses during habituation to a novel object. Minero M., Canali E., Warren Smith A., McLean A., Goodwin D., Zetterqvist M., Waran N., McGreevy P.(eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd international equitation science symposium. Veterinary Faculty of Milano, Italy
Hare B., Call J., Agnetta B., Tomasello M. 2000. Chimpanzees know what conspecifics do and do not see. Anim Behav 59:771–785
Hare B., Plyusnina I., Ignacio N., Schepina O., Stepika A., Wrangham R.,Trut L., 2005. Social cognitive evolution in captive foxes is a correlated by-product of experimental domestication. Curr Biol 15:226–230. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2005.01.040
Hostetter A.B., Russell J.L., Freeman H., Hopkins W.D., 2007. Now you see me, now you don’t: evidence that chimpanzees understand the role of the eyes in attention. Anim Cogn 10:55–62. doi:10.1007/ s10071-006-0031-x
Keiper R., Houpt K., 1984. Reproduction in feral horses: an eight year study. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 45: 991–995.
Keiper R.R., Receveur H., 1992. Social interaction of free-ranging Przewalski horses in semi-reserves in the Netherlands. Applide Animal Behaviour Science. 33: 303-318.
Krueger K., Flauger B., 2008. Social feeding decisions in horses (Equus caballus).Behav Processes. 2008 May;78(1):76-83.Epub 2008 Jan 20.
Krueger K., Flauger B., Farmer K., Maros K. 2011. Horses (Equus caballus) use human local enhancement cues and adjust to human attention. Anim Cogn 14:187–201.DOI 10.1007/s10071-010-0352-7
Krueger K., 2011. La rilevanza della cognizione sociale del cavallo per il suo benessere. Conferenza aperta “Il benessere del cavallo – Oggi-”Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria Pisa.
Maros K., Gácsi M., Miklósi Á., 2008. Comprehension of human pointing gestures in horses (Equus caballus). Anim Cogn 11:457–466. doi:10.1007/s10071-008-0136-5
McGreevy P., 2004. Equine Behaviour: A guide for veterians and equine scientists. Saunders Book Company.
McGreevy P., McLean A., 2010. Equitation Science. Ed Wiley-Blackwell, a John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Pubblication.
McKinley J., Sambrook T.D., 2000. Use of human-given cues by domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) and horses (Equus caballus). Anim Cogn 3:13–22. doi:10.1007/s100710050046
McLean A.N. 2004. Short-term spatial memory in the domestic horse. Appl Anim Behav Sci 85:93–105.
Miklo´si A., Soproni K. 2006. A comparative analysis of animals’ understanding of the human. Anim Cogn 9: 81–93
Mills D.S., McDonnell S.M., 2005. The domestic horse: The Origins, Development, and Management of its Behaviour, ed. D.S. Mills & S.M. McDonnell. Cambridge University Press.
Pfungst O.,1911. Clever Hans, the horse of Mr. von Osten. Henry Holt, New York
Povinelli D.J., Vonk J., 2003. Chimpanzee minds: suspiciously human? Trends Cogn Sci 7:157–160. doi:10.1016/S1364-6613(03)00053-6
Proops L., McComb K., 2010. Attributing attention: the use of human given cues by domestic horses (Equus caballus). Anim Cogn 13:197–205. doi:10.1007/s10071-009-0257-5
Theall L.A, Povinelli D.J.,1999. Do chimpanzees tailor their gestural signals to Wt the attentional states of others? Anim Cogn 2:207–214. doi:10.1007/s100710050041
Tomasello M., Call J., Hare B., 2003. Chimpanzees understand psychological states–the question is which ones and to what extent. Trends Cogn Sci 7:153–156. doi:10.1016/S1364-6613(03)00035-4
Virányi Z., Topál J., Gácsi M., Miklósi Á., Csányi V., 2004. Dogs respond appropriately to cues of humans’ attentional focus. Behav Process 66:161–172. doi:10.1016/j.beproc.2004.01.012
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